General information

12-14 September 2023, Santander (Spain)

Venue and accomodation

The 6th International Small Sample Test Techniques Conference will be held in the Bahia Hotel (Santander, Spain) organized by the University of Cantabria. The conference will run for three full days.

Important Dates

1 March 2023 Call for abstracts
1 April 2023 Registration open
30 April 2023 Deadline abstract submission
15 May 2023 Abstract acceptance notification
17 July 2023 Manuscript deadline
20 August 2023 Registration closure
31 August 2023 Final payment deadline



Conference dates:

  • Start: 12 September 2023

  • End: 14 September 2023


Conference fees:

  • General conference fee: 580 €

  • Student conference fee: 490 €


Organising Commitee:

  • Roberto Lacalle (U. Cantabria, INESCO)
  • J. Alberto Álvarez (U. Cantabria)
  • Borja Arroyo (U. Cantabria)
  • Federico Gutiérrez-Solana (U. Cantab.)
  • Sergio Cicero (U. Cantabria)
  • Marta Serrano (Ciemat)
  • David Andrés (Tecnalia)


International Scientific Comm.:

    • Roger Hurst (Chairman, UK)
    • Robert Lancaster (UK)
    • Wei Sun (UK)
    • Martin Abendroth (DE)
    • Eberhard Altstadt (DE)
    • Roberto Lacalle (ES)
    • Peter Haehner (NL)
    • Petr Dymacek (CZ)
    • Zdeněk Kuboň (CZ)
    • Raghu Prakash (IN)
    • Shin-ichi Komazaki (JP)
    • Kaishu Guan (CH)